Floormate Floor Cleaner Repair
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Floor Cleaner Machine Repair Parts


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Why did my FLOORMATE stop working?
     It is important that this machine be thoroughly rinsed after using.  Even if you think your floors weren't that dirty, tiny pieces of soil and other substances that you track in on your shoes and even bare feet, can and will clog your machine.
The short answer: Probably improper cleaning, worn/damaged parts or just plain old age!
    When my Hoover Floormate started to suck up less water, I surmised the problem was a worn squeegee--and simply replaced the squeegee.  This seemed to work--for awhile and it did improve the suction. This floor cleaner was about 4 years old at the time, and was used about once a month in two relatively small tiled areas.

     Finally, my Hoover FLOORMATE floor cleaner stopped picking up anything! Not a drop!
Assumptions: The unit was plugged in, the breaker in the electrical wall panel is okay, there is vacuum suction at the vacuum port at the top of the recovery tank (remove the tank and carefully feel for suction at the port)
     Reduction or loss of suction power could be caused by several things, including a blockage in the water channel, the water channel hose, recovery hose (located behind the recovery water tank), deteriorating rubber seals, dirty/clogged filter, dirty louver cover (exhaust for the vacuum above the tank).  Also, there could be a crack in the plastic in any of these items.
     Oh, so you looked and didn't find any cracks?  I didn't either.  I was stumped.  I checked out and cleaned every inch (so I thought) of the system and didn't find anything wrong.

     I thought it was finally time to buy a new FLOORMATE--and I did! But after I bought the new one (--and used it--I'm not one for returning items that are working), I decided to prepare the old FLOORMATE for recycle.

     As I was preparing to dismantle, a thought of "what the.... did I miss" took over.  During my self-critique, I noticed the problem--IT was right in front of me.  How did I not see IT!  Since I didn't initially remove the hood, just the recovery tank, the problem wasn't obvious.
I know you may want to just get to the part of how to fix this thing, but this is very important, especially if you are the "know-it-all-type" or just impatient.
Remember the story about the old bull and the young bull looking over the pasture.
I'm real smart--SKIP this section!
Learn from  My Experience!
     There are lots of parts charts available on older models.  There are quite a few "

how to repair your FLOORMATE

" web sightings out there, even a couple with photos, and one or two that attempt to give well-intentioned advice.  I removed almost all the parts in this diagram trying to get inside to examine and look for leaks.
     But somehow I just missed the part about how to get to the correct parts and what not to unscrew or undo!  There are a few plastic parts that break very easily and there are a few controls that have to be in a certain position.  I usually snap a few photos of what I am taking apart and draw a sketch of how the part is oriented and fastened.  But this looked so simple--and I didn't.
Note: You can right click on some items to view an enlarged version
Where are the screws?  How does this thing unsnap?  How do I get inside?
with the recovery tank removed
     You are probably wondering why I removed so many parts when it was not necessary (other than limited, unclear or misinformation from some other sources).  When you do remove an item, it may be connected to another--that might "pop out."
[Sometimes the answer is I just messed up!]

     If you are looking at your FLOORMATE right now, you are probably trying to figure out how to remove the hood (base cover) to observe for leaks/problems or to replace a part.  Sometimes I have tried to pry two pieces of plastic apart thinking that they were merely held together by pressure or a clip.  This usually ended with a damaged or broken part, only to find out that one or two "hidden" screws held them together.
     Since there are no visible screws that appear to attach the hood to the base, one might think to take the bottom off to get access to screws that might release the hood. <<<DO NOT!>>> If you know how to get in and can see what the inside of the hood looks like, your chances of getting the hood off without breaking anything will be greatly improved!
     I learned from taking many appliances apart over the years, that you can break something without even trying!  Many are fragile and/or of "cheap construction" by design.  Sometimes the manufacturer intended this item's life to be limited.  Maybe they want you to return it to them to repair.  Maybe...
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So...What is probably the cause of NO suction?
     Is your Hoover FLOORMATE Hard Surface Floor cleaner not sucking up water?  Don't throw it in the trash can yet.

    If you can follow a few simple directions, have a Phillips screwdriver and a putty knife, you may able to diagnose and fix your floor cleaner in about 20-30 minutes once you have the part(s), if necessary.
How do I go about fixing this thing?
electric shock
NOW! Unplug the electric cord!
     You should start by eliminating the easy stuff. Are you noticing a "slow down" in the amount of recovery (waste water) your machine is picking up or is it not picking up at all?
     I thought that having the ubiquitous parts diagram/list in front of me was enough.  This helped, but the list doesn't show how a part is actually fastened.  Also, it helps to know what the other side of a part looks like in order to safely take it off. This is illustrated in the photo of the back of the hood (base) in a photo coming up.
(View Squeegee)
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Hoover Floormate

(View Squeegee)
(View Filter)
(View Filter)

Below are two diagrams showing the internal parts of the Floormate

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