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How to make a

Feral Cat Shelter Drilling and Cutting

Cheap, Easy to Make, and Easy to Handle
©2018, 2024
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  Drill a hole in the center of the circle after measuring. Use your hole cutter bit to make a pilot hole or use a 3/8" or larger drill bit to make a starter hole if using aviation snips.
Drilling and Cutting
If you are using a hole cutter
Set the

hole cutter

gauge at 7"
  If this is the first time you are using a

hole cutter

, it is really simple.  The hole cutter arm attaches to your drill. There are several different versions, so read the instructions on your model.
If you are using  aviation snips
  You can choose whether to 1) just enlarge the center pilot hole to 3/8" or larger--then start cutting up to the outer circle (see yellow illustration) or 2) drill one or two or 8... 3/8" holes around the perimeter of the 7" container hole (see purple illustration). Be careful to drill inside the circle so that the outer edge of the drill hole doesn't go beyond the 7" circle.
Note:  Use the

right or left aviation snips

depending on what direction you are cutting.  You can use the straight snips for cutting curves, but why make it more difficult?
Completing the Front Hole Cut

Hole Cutter

Aviation Snips

Using both to trim and clean edges
Hole cut
Side (escape) Hole
  Remember, you can cut the front hole on the left or right.  The side (escape) hole will be cut (partially) on the opposite side towards the rear.
<More information>
You only need one of these, but it is nice to have all three for future use!

Making the Cat Shelter Escape Hole

This area will be trimmed a little more and sanded smooth.
>>PHOTOS and ILLUSTRATIONS on this site<<
   1) Place the brass locking bolt bracket pivot stem into the pilot hole that you just drilled.
2) Plunge the bit into the container and begin cutting.
>>PHOTOS and ILLUSTRATIONS on this site<<
Note:  Larger computer screens will show larger materials!--and more detail!!
How to make a
This is a FREE information site!
Feral Cat Shelter Drilling and Cutting
Cheap, Easy to Make, and Easy to Handle
Note: You can right click on some items to view an enlarged version
If you are using a hole cutter
Set the

hole cutter

gauge at 7"
   1) Place the brass locking bolt bracket pivot stem into the pilot hole that you just drilled.
2) Plunge the bit into the container and begin cutting.
  If this is the first time you are using a

hole cutter

, it is really simple.  The hole cutter arm attaches to your drill. There are several different versions, so read the instructions on your model.
Completing the Front Hole Cut

Hole Cutter

Aviation Snips

Using both to trim and clean edges
Hole cut
This area will be trimmed a little more and sanded smooth.
Side (escape) Hole
  Remember, you can cut the front hole on the left or right.  The side (escape) hole will be cut (partially) on the opposite side towards the rear.
<More information>

Making the Cat Shelter Escape Hole

©2018, 2024
Privacy Policy and Disclaimer
Drilling and Cutting
  Drill a hole in the center of the circle after measuring. Use your hole cutter bit to make a pilot hole or use a 3/8" or larger drill bit to make a starter hole if using aviation snips.

Pilot Hole

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